49 Weeks |
Turns out tonguing the back of a Metro North train seat, even for a half second, is as loaded with as many germs as your phobias can imagine. Ren is battling his first cold he picked up somewhere in Apple de la Huge. Only this one is real. He had a runny nose a few months ago and we almost took him to the hospital. The Parent Colored Glasses see every tooth bursting through and spraying blood across the walls. I'm not normal.
Even though our house music is now coughs and shushes, especially at two o'clock in the morning, Ren wakes with a giggle or a happy attempt at a new word. This kid is an inspiration with a capital "P" for positive. For his next cold I promise to be more calm, remember his smiles, and take the drama to bed much earlier every night. I'm so tired. Like I don't know my own world tired. Ren might feel crappy but he still jogs to church, rakes leaves for the aging neighbors, and donates blood to cancer riddled reindeer every other day. All without coffee. I don't know how he does it.